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Real-life Zombies Overview

Why is the word "zombie" used in the ELE series? Because people do in real life. The articles in the "Real Life 'Zombies'" series will show this. At least starting in 2012, during the "Zombie Summer," as some dubbed it, the public and media have used the word "zombie" to refer to anyone who engages in crazed cannibalistic attacks, including biting, feels no pain, and behaves just off the wall! From 2012 to present, this trend has continued. It shows that in a lot of people's eyes, zombies do not have to be the living dead.

Additionally, in Book One, not only were bath salts mentioned, but a suspicion raised that R140 had already begun in 2012, during the bath salts epidemic. Articles will show this background.

A new "zombie" drug is out, called Flakka, which comes from the same place in China as coronavirus began. Have at it, conspirologists!


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