In Book Five, Escape, I wrote the scene of Eric Wong and the Colonel before learning about these attacks. In retrospect, these attacks make the scene even more poignant. Eric would know about these attacks in what would be for his timeline the recent past.
On a personal note, all but one bloodline of my great grandparents were immigrants from Europe and they faced a lot of discrimination, hatred, and stereotypes. All those who share my heritage, please remember what our recent ancestors went through. I sympathize, through my ancestors' blood running through my heart, with other immigrants who are facing these things today. They simply want opportunity.
Please, note, these attacks were barely covered by American national news as they went manic over BLM. Asian Americans are another invisible people.
Also, having known many Asian Americans and observed the same basic immigrant mentality my grandparents annoyed everyone with, keep your head down and work hard, blah blah blah, good grades, blah blah blah, to turn around and have to bemoan a plight of repression and discrimination is not something normal. It is shaming, actually. However, being invisible and needing help, Asian American celebrities had to resort to this. It is the only way to get media attention, frankly. The media wants victims. They are not interested in proud peoples who are being attacked on the streets and want it to stop because it should stop.
In the olden days, if our elders were attacked in our neighborhoods, the attackers would have received an ass kicking right then and there by men -- possibly by some women, too, with those handbags. Additionally, the mafia's presence. The mafia did more in policing the neighborhoods of poor, invisible, heavily discriminated against ethnic European Americans than the police ever did, keeping the streets safe from such things ... except when it was the police doing the attacking.
Further, though I hate to point this out, there are black Americans doing the attacking, too. If the national media did cover this in that hyper-manic way they do, they would censor that out. It does not fit the model they use, which is not People are People and Do as People Do. They have designated victims and perpetrators of racism and discrimination, and come hell or high water, they do not waver in this model, even when real life gets messy. I point this out to remember that those who have faced bigotry, discrimination, and repression may well turn around and do it to someone else. Remember this for the 170 years of Irish American history. Anger and hatred begets anger and hatred. No one is above it except strong minded individuals who seek enlightenment.